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Additional finance management training and Cognos reports


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Cognos is a helpful tool for reviewing financial reports in a web browser.


The first time you access this, you will need to create a Data Warehouse password that is different than your Kerberos password. See here for instructions.


The main reports of use are:



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SAPgui (SAP Graphical User Interface) is a desktop program that can be used to review financial reports in more detail; it also has a drill down feature that will allow you to see information you have questions about, such as both versions of a Buy2Pay requisition’s purchase order number.


Using SAPgui requires:

  • SAPgui to be installed on your computer
  • MIT’s VPN Global Protect to be installed on your computer. The VPN must be started every time you login to SAPgui when you are off campus. You may log out of the VPN when you are done using SAPgui
  • The ticket system application to be installed on your computer, which manages VPN access. You usually will not need to touch this app once it is installed
Please understand that DMSE finance cannot assist with installing and troubleshooting these apps for you if you are having technical issues. For technical support, please contact

If you would like to try installing these applications yourself, see:


Roles Web

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Roles Web is an incredibly useful tool that will allow you to quickly look up information about a cost object, such as what DLC it is in, whether or not it is closed, and who has financial roles on an account should you need to contact them with questions. Recommended for bookmarking.


If you are interested in extended training on using Roles Web, MIT also provides a self-paced, online course.


Finance Trainings

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image courtesy of snowing on freepik

Here are some trainings DMSE finance recommends to those looking to better their understanding of financial management at MIT:

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