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Making requests through the Teaching Assistance App

How to submit approval requests for charges on 1481102 - DMSE Subject Expenses

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In order to charge teaching expenses to the DMSE Subject Expenses account 1481102, you will need to first complete a QuickBase Teaching Request Form, which will be sent to the DMSE teaching resources committee for review.


Requesters may request up to $300 per semester per subject through QuickBase Teaching App without material description or individual material cost. Requester can use this towards their small material purchases such as pizza, pens, and similar items, and deduct from this one-time approved amount.


After this $300 limit has been met, All transactions intended for account 1481102 will require prior approval using the teaching request form. It will be the responsibility of the administrative assistant and the PI to stay within this $300 limit. after this limit has been reached


To fill out the request form, you will need:

  • Name of Instructor requesting support (ex: Cima, Michael)
  • Subject ID (ex: 3.21)
  • Term Year (ex: Spring 2023)
  • Estimated Enrollment
  • If offered jointly (Yes/No)
  • Type of Support (Materials & Services and/or Do you need a grader and/or Do you need other staffing support)

Requests gets approved by the DMSE UG/G Chair and Associate Department Head. The app willy notify the approver when a request is submitted. Requesters are able to see the status of their request in the app and if additional questions have been raised by the approver.


DMSE HR will then email the requester after approval is received, copying the finance team. This will let the finance approver know to approve the p-card charge, Buy2Pay purchase, or RFP request to account 1481102.

Note: The finance team cannot approve requests on account 1481102 over the $300 limit without first receiving email confirmation that the Quickbase request has been approved by the Teaching Resources committee.

The DMSE teaching resources committee manages the instructions and details for this policy, which can be found in their Google Doc.

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