Please refer to the Change, Cancel, or Return an Order VPF page for more information.
When and Why a PO Needs to be Closed
When an account needs to be closed, all open PO’s on the account will need to be Closed beforehand.
Considerations when closing a PO:
- Have all of the items or services on the PO been received?
- If the items haven’t been received, what follow-up needs to happen to check the status?
- If the items will not be received, then the PO should be Cancelled
- Please refer to the page on Cancelling a Purchase Order
- A PO does not need to be at $0 (fully expensed) to be closed
- As long as no more invoices will be submitted to the PO, it can be closed
- If a PO has been fully expensed, then it should be closed
- If there are invoices that WILL be submitted to the PO, it should not be closed
- If the invoices should go to a new PO, then a new PO should be created and approved before the old PO is closed
How to Close a PO
Click to be directed to the form to close a Purchase Order.
Alternatively, you can go to the Buy2Pay homepage. Click on the Close Purchase Order
and submit the form for the PO(s) you’d like to close.
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