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How to use the Receipts section of the p-card form

🧾 Receipts

Notion image

1. If you submitted a receipt, select whether or not tax was charged in the Does receipt say tax was charged? dropdown menu.


MIT is a tax exempt institution in Massachusetts and 29 additional states. If tax was charged, and the purchase was over $75 or a business meeting, you will be asked to pursue a refund for the taxed amount. You can also submit MIT’s tax-exemption number (on the procard itself) or our tax-exempt certificates to a vendor before making a purchase to prevent going back to the vendor later.


If you are anticipating a refund on the taxed amount, return to the Transaction Information section of the form, check Anticipating Refund, and input the amount of the tax in the pop-up box.


2. Upload 1-3 receipts or other pieces of supporting documentation (such as a chat with the vendor) here.

Receipts are always needed for:

  • all transactions above $75.00 USD

Outside of the above times, they are optional 👍

Receipts must:

  • fully display the dollar amount of the transaction
  • be smaller than 5 MB
  • be in .png, .jpg, or .pdf file formats.
Missing a receipt? Upload a missing receipt affidavit instead!
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